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Why are My Feet Swollen?


Why are My Feet Swollen?


Swollen feet can be caused by numerous complications that are not uncommon. In most cases, the painful and uncomfortable swelling is only temporary. However, if the swelling worsens and is accompanied by other symptoms, it could be a sign of a more serious issue.

Here are the most common conditions that can cause swollen feet:

Health Conditions Related to Weight Gain

Any health condition that leads to weight gain, such as polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) or hypothyroidism, can result in weight gain. This can put pressure on the legs, ankles, and feet, contributing to uncomfortable swelling.

In addition to this, pregnant women will often experience swollen feet from a combination of excess weight, an increase in blood volume, and elevated hormones.

Chronic Venous Insufficiency

Normally, the blood travels in the body with “one-way valves.” These valves prevent backflow. However, if these valves are damaged by prolonged sitting or standing, the blood cannot continue its natural flow towards the heart. Instead, it gathers in the veins of the legs and feet, which can ultimately lead to swelling.


Foot injuries such as sprains, fractures, and strains can cause swollen feet. This is a normal response because typically, the blood will rush towards the injured area. Depending on the nature and severity of the injury, swelling and bruising may develop suddenly or gradually. Most physiotherapists recommend the R.I.C.E. approach to treating foot injuries. This method stands for “rest”, “ice”, “compression,” and elevation.” If the pain prevents you from walking, or the affected area appears to be abnormally swollen, seek medical help immediately.


When your body retains too much water, it can be trapped in between your body’s tissues. This creates swelling or puffiness in the hands, feet, and face. Standing or sitting for hours are typical conditions that can cause edema. You may notice this after taking a long trip, and women may experience it during their monthly period. Edema usually goes away on its own, but in some cases, it can be indicative of other health conditions, including liver disease and low protein levels. If it persists, be sure to speak with your doctor immediately.

Jet Bloat

Prolonged inactivity during a flight can cause foot swelling. Being unable to walk or move for a long period of time causes blood to pool in the leg, increasing the blood pressure to the veins. It is recommended to shift your position in your seat from time to time, stay hydrated, and take short walks during the flight. Wearing compression stockings during the flight can also be helpful.

The Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centers of Ontario offer professional physiotherapy services to relieve the pain and discomfort of swollen feet. Call us today and Schedule an appointment with any of our centers in Ajax, Oshawa, Scarborough, Mississauga, and Whitby.

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