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What Back Pain Tells You


What Back Pain Tells You


Back pain is one of the most common chronic conditions in Canada. Pain often tells you that there is something wrong with your body, but the cause of back pain is not always apparent. Out of all the individuals diagnosed with back pain, 85% of them could not identify a specific cause.

Here are possible reasons for back pain and discomfort:

Poor posture

When the spinal column is perfectly aligned, a person not only looks like they’re “standing straight,” their body is relaxed and supported. Poor alignment can constrict blood vessels and nerves. After a period of time, this can cause pain and discomfort in the body. Slouching while sitting at the computer and frequent use of smartphones can contribute to poor spinal alignment, causing an uneven distribution of weight in the shoulders and trapezius. The muscles in the neck and the upper back can also be affected by this strain.


Back pain is not only caused by physical stress. It can also be the result of mental anguish. Anxiety is a general term for disorders linked with excessive worry, fear, and nervousness. When a person is anxious, the body’s survival instinct can cause a muscle contraction. Muscle contractions become detrimental when the tissue is unable to relax. An increase in muscle tension can eventually lead to discomfort and pain. If anxious people are less active (for fear of getting injured), muscles can weaken, making back pain worse. Anxiety can also trigger hypersensitivity, making mild back pain feel more severe.

Added weight

The spine is vital for moving the body and supporting its weight. When a person is carrying extra body weight, the spine experiences additional strain and pressure. The lower back is vulnerable; excess weight shifts the pelvis and causes the spine to curve. Strain to the lower back, (Hyperlordosis), puts additional pressure on the muscles

A more serious issue

Back pain (especially when it is chronic) can indicate a more serious health issue  Kidney infection, bone fractures, and spinal tumours are some of the conditions that have chronic back pain as a symptom.


If you are experiencing chronic back pain or discomfort, Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centres (PARC) of Ontario may have a solution. Please see our list of centres for a location near you and give us a call today.

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