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Mindful Eating Strategies for the Holidays


Mindful Eating Strategies for the Holidays

Tis the season to be jolly, but don’t fa-la-la-la–ll off your healthful eating routine. The holidays are rife with celebrations and sumptuous foods. While this time is a great opportunity to spend with family and friends, we often overindulge.

Creating a proper balance between healthful helpings and decadent desserts is crucial to maintaining wellness throughout the holiday season. To stay energetic during the months of December-January (and the rest of the year), here are some mindful eating tips:

Create a Structured Meal Plan

Binge eating is easier when there are temptations placed at parties everywhere.. Fight the urge with a holiday-proof plan.

  • In order to maintain a normal blood sugar level, eat at your usual times. If you plan to enjoy additional
  • snacks after dinner, have smaller portions at mealtime.
  • If you enjoy eating sweet treats and desserts, avoid high-carbohydrate meals.
  • Don’t skip breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Include Fruits and Vegetables

Every day, aim to eat at least seven servings of fruits and/or vegetables. Decorate holiday meals with colourful fruits and vegetables to make them more enticing — and delicious.

Drink Consumption

Drinking soda, wine, and beer is common during holiday celebrations. However, many beverages contain calories that can add up quickly. Be mindful of how much you drink, and temper what you consume by having a glass of water between each sugary beverage or cocktail. Substitute club soda and lime/cranberry for alcoholic drinks, especially when driving.

Use Natural Spices and Ingredients

Serve family and friends delicious desserts and treats by substituting honey and molasses for sugar in your cookies and cakes. Add some flavouring “kick” by using citrus, vanilla, fresh ginger, cinnamon, or nutmeg.

Savour Each Bite

Chewing properly helps metabolize food faster in the stomach. It also allows the digestive system to absorb nutrients, maintain a healthy body weight, and prevent digestive problems (like indigestion, bloating, and gas).

Enjoying the holiday season does not have to mean gaining extra pounds and having to “hit the gym hard” in January. Don’t feel guilty if you happen to eat more than planned. Take some long walks with friends; catch up in person, and keep moving.

If you need help during the holidays, call The Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centres of Ontario. We have caring professionals to help with holiday stress or family issues; check our page to find the contact numbers of the clinic nearest you.

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