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Compression Socks & Stockings Oshawa


Compression Socks & Stockings Oshawa

Physical activities keep the blood running in every part of your body. But sometimes, having too much blood, especially in your legs, can bring discomfort and pain. Instead of wearing the usual socks, you have to wear compression socks. These are medical-grade socks that apply pressure on your legs and ankles and help the blood flow back up to the heart and lungs. Athletes, the elderly, and people who stand all day at work are some of those who use compression socks to relieve any kind of pain.

Compression socks is beneficial to the health for the following reasons:

It’s always advisable to talk to a doctor when you want to wear compression socks. You need to wear the high-quality ones the right way to avoid any complications. If you have sensitive skin, it’s better not to wear a single pair. Wearing these socks the wrong way can cause complications too.

The Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centres of Ontario (PARC) has medical-grade supplies and equipment to help you alleviate pain in any part of your body.

Uses of Compression Socks

Compression socks may look a little bit bland, tight, or boring when you wear them, but these actually save you from certain conditions that may worsen over time. On the brighter side, you can use compression socks to:

Remember that compression socks and stockings are not just ordinary ones — they’re medical grade and serve a good purpose for your body. The usual wash and dry won’t hurt, but you have to take extra care and precautions when using them.

Use compression socks the right way by:

Our team at PARC of Ontario ensures that your compression socks and stockings hug your legs just fine. We always ensure to give you comfort with our medical equipment.

Do Compression Socks Need Prescription?

Compression socks and stockings can be bought with or without a prescription, but it depends on the circumstance. If you have varicose veins, you need to seek medical help and ask for a prescription from your healthcare provider. Some compression socks and stockings are readily available in medical supply stores near you.

Feel free to contact us at PARC of Ontario in Oshawa if you feel anything heavy on your legs. Our medical team will make sure to give you the proper compression stockings for you to wear. Visit our website or call (905) 579-9938 now!

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