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Treatments for Scoliosis


Treatments for Scoliosis

Does any of your family have scoliosis? Or do you know someone who has scoliosis? Or are you scoliotic yourself and want to do something about it?

Scoliosis is a condition wherein there is a lateral curvature of the spinal cord. In addition, there is also a rotational problem that must be corrected very well. This condition will worsen if not treated accordingly and there are a couple of proven treatment methods that will make a huge difference on patients.


In fact, not all of us would want to risk having surgery. However, surgery is a viable option if your scoliosis would start to put other organs of your body in danger. You don’t really have a choice in this matter unless you choose to suffer and die. This is applicable in almost all cases; however, there are also some alternatives to surgery but rates of success vary per patient.

Special Braces for Scoliosis

You can choose to have a brace if your scoliosis is not that severe yet. An effective treatment for scoliosis that you can consider is a special brace called TLSO. This brace provides support to the thoracic, lumbar and sacral vertebral spine. Though this type of brace does not treat scoliosis, it helps in straightening the curve. There are different types of TLSO and these are Lyon orthoses, Rosenberger, and Boston brace. Each of these aims to control the development of the curvature.

Does Insurance Include Back Braces?

Most of the time, insurance covers the cost for scoliosis TLSO, particularly health insurance. If you are considering being evaluated for scoliosis TLSO, it is advisable that you talk about it with your local orthotist as well as the prosthetic company. They will answer your questions regarding your condition and the cost of the brace, they may even give you a little help by providing you with a quote of advantages before you obtain a brace.

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