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Survive the Holidays with Healthful Eating Tips


Survive the Holidays with Healthful Eating Tips

The holidays are coming up; family is coming over and they’re bringing goodies. From sugar cookies to eggnog and honey baked ham, the holidays provide temptations galore. A lot of us make plans to lose weight in the months after the holidays; why not start now? These simple tips will help you devise a plan for strategic holiday eating that won’t interfere with your goals:

1. Don’t Skip to Save Room – Skipping meals is a poor choice for nutrition. Skipping meals has several consequences and minimal positive outcome. Avoiding eating can cause low blood sugar and leave you feeling full quicker than normal. It is suggested that you eat well-balanced meals and regularly planned snacks to beat hunger and exercise healthy eating habits.

2. Eat Before You Leave – If Aunt Karen always prepares your favorite homemade cheesecake and an abundance of other tempting foods, choose to eat before you leave for her house. This will curb your appetite and help control any strong desire to overindulge.

3. Go for Healthy – Choose healthy food first. Load up on good fats and healthy proteins before having the higher-fat, higher-sugar options. You won’t regret your decision and you won’t need to unbuckle your jeans after you leave the table. Stay strong and you’ll be rewarded in the new year.

4. Just Say No – During the holiday season, there are often office potlucks and family dinners where co-workers or relatives insist you try their food. Explaining you are watching what you eat helps you achieve your goals. Family members and friends should understand your journey; you may even inspire them to take this journey with you. And if they don’t — at least you’ve made it clear that you would prefer their support. If temptations are too great, get some fresh air and remind yourself why health is important.

5. Treat yourself – If you realize you’re at your third Christmas gathering and haven’t touched a single holiday favorite, treat yourself in moderation. The holidays are a wonderful time to enjoy company; it is okay to take a few bites of Aunt Karen’s cheesecake.

We hope these tips will help during the holiday season. For long-term, personalized nutrition assistance contact the Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centres of Ontario. We have a number of services that can benefit those who want to maintain their weight and those who want to lose. Be the best you; call our Whitby office at (905) 430-2112.

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