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Depression in Men: No Shame in Getting Help


Depression in Men: No Shame in Getting Help

Male depression

At a time when men of all ages are hurting mentally and suffering the effects of stress, it is good to know there are proven treatment services. The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) says that supportive treatment methods help men reconnect with family and friends. They add that doing “nothing” can be catastrophic. If you’re concerned about your mental health, there are many useful publications, web pages and other resources that Canadian males can access to get help.

Many skilled mental health professionals genuinely care about their patients. There’s no need for shame or guilt; if you have anger, anxiety, depression, or other concerns, skilled doctors can alleviate your concerns.

Removing the stigma of mental health woes

Thanks to the advent of social media, more of us are aware that mental health disorders and suicidal thoughts can be extremely common. Famous actors, members of the military, and professional athletes have openly admitted to their struggles. They’ve done so on Facebook, Twitter, and television to help remove any shame or fear about getting treatment. Both the Government of Canada and various private groups are making efforts to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues. Recovery is always possible. Depression is painful, and it’s important to find treatment in a safe environment. Often, if your GP (general practitioner) recommends psychological assistance, your Canadian provincial health care may cover some or all of the treatment.

Psychological treatment services

Any Canadian suffering from a long bout with depression needs to seek treatment from one of the many expert rehab centers. A number of men who have battled depression say it is always best to “get help early before it’s too late.” These survivors recommend making an appointment with a mental health counselor to access what is happening and why you are hurting. Many men in Canada benefit from counselling or medication, or a combination of the two.

At Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation Centres of Ontario, we believe that men who seek help will feel better quicker, and avoid deeper depression or sadness. If you’re not “feeling quite right,” or have chronic pain, we’d like to help. Call us today at any one of our Ontario offices.

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